Elaborate cross marks ancient market place

The Mercat Cross in Forres is, as many will have assumed, modelled on the much grander Scott Monument in Princes Street, Edinburgh.
The Category B listed structure was designed by Elgin architect Thomas Mackenzie and constructed in 1844. Although it now sits on a paved area in front of the Tolbooth, it once stood in the street. Recent extensions of the paving has created a market square between the Mercat Cross and Tolbooth.
An old cross was present before this one was built and the base of the old cross was left in position, and the new one built over it.
Weather and time have taken their toll on the monument and nearly all of the finials having fallen off by 2018. However, some of these intricate pieces were replaced in 2021.

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Mercat Cross is in the following sections: Rather than give you a fixed itinerary, here you’ll find details of nearby attractions and links (tags) to help you find activities similar to those at this location. Don’t rush, slow down, go at your own pace and enjoy your experiences fully. You can use this information to help you plan your stay without missing a thing.- Distance from Forres: 0 miles
- Postcode: IV36 1AB
- What3words: emphasis.finest.wimp
- What’s nearby: Forres
- Tags: architecture, history (all areas)