Science and Imagination

Evening of Storytelling and launch of the new book ‘Science & Imagination: True Stories from the Falconer Museum’. Authors from near and far – including winners from the Falconer 150 Essay Competition – will read from their stories and chat with the audience. On this occasion the book will be on offer with 50 % … Read more

Stories in Stone: The Falconer Museum

An exhibition featuring the sculptured stone heads displayed around the outside of the Falconer Museum in Forres. We also have the Tortiphant on display. There are thirteen panels each describing the people who feature on the Falconer Musuem including the sculptor of the heads.

Stories in Stone: The Falconer Museum

An exhibition featuring the sculptured stone heads displayed around the outside of the Falconer Museum in Forres. We also have the Tortiphant on display. There are thirteen panels each describing the people who feature on the Falconer Musuem including the sculptor of the heads.