Janice Eddy – Counselling

My approach to counselling is both humanistic and transpersonal. I view the client as a partner in our work together, responsible for where h/she wants that work to go. I provide attention, respect, and companionship on the journey, as well as information and guidance when appropriate. My intention is to create a sense of spaciousness and safety in which the client can contemplate the possibility of change.

Exploration of the past often is a feature of this work, facilitating the awareness of unconscious blocks and negative messages which stand in the way of a creative and nourishing life.

I have been designing jewellery for many years. I make earrings, necklaces and bracelets, trying wherever possible to make each piece unique. I sell them direct to the public at Craft Fairs, Fundraisers etc., and in several shops in the local area.