Forres Local Loyalty Card

Join the Forres Local Loyalty Card scheme as a business or customer free of charge.

Simply present your card to any of the participating retailers and get an instant discount or extra listed here.

Launching in February 2020, the card aims to encourage people to shop locally in the Forres area.

The loyalty card is FREE for everyone whether you live here or visiting the area.

If you are a consumer apply here.

Promote your business

As a participating business, simply list your offer on our website and redeem the offer when people present their card. There’s no swiping, PINs or membership verification to worry about.

Use it as a marketing initiative

  • Raise awareness of your business through our free weekly marketing programme
  • Weekly marketing campaigns
  • Join targeted promotions
  • Increased sales, upsells and cross-sells

Being part of the scemes doesn’t mean you have you to lose money, the card is an incentive to shop locally, you can use it creatively to increase your customer spend.

To find out more, contact us now.